Data Lake News
Project Update #15 - July 2023
Dear Community and Investors, Welcome to another Project Update from Data Lake! With the beginning of the third quarter of the year, Data Lake’s board has spent the last few weeks discussing the strategy to adopt for our business to thrive. In this update, we will be giving you a hint on what has been discussed, and we’ll recap the events that have characterized the past month. Ready? Let’s dive in!
Project Update #14 – June 23
Dear Community and Investors, Welcome to another Project Update from Data Lake! In the following article, we will cover some exciting updates since our last newsletter, and we’ll also go through our latest marketing achievements. Keep reading until the end for a hint on what’s coming in Q3 — without further ado, let’s get to it!
Medical Data Donation to reach tens of millions of new patients thanks to Diagnostyka partnership with the Donate Your Data Foundation!
We believe that medical data donation is the key to unlocking a new era of ethical medical research; research which has the potential to cure many diseases and save the lives of millions. For this medical data donation system to work however, all stakeholders including patients, healthcare providers, and researchers need to be on board.
Project Update #13 — May 2023
Dear Community and Investors, For a few months we’ve been hinting at some huge things we’ve been working on behind the scenes, and with agreements signed and sealed we are finally ready to share our biggest news…ever! We hope you’re buckled in and have your Telegram reaction gifs ready, because here comes the GIGA UPDATE.
Data Lake and GenomesDAO are Teaming Up!
We are thrilled to announce that Data Lake and GenomesDAO are joining forces! At Data Lake, we’re building and implementing cutting-edge technologies to help advance research, and improve access to treatment. We’re also the technological provider for a groundbreaking system that enables patients to gain control over their medical data in a privacy-respecting way, and consent to sharing it with entities performing ethical, pro-patient research.
Medical Data Donation Gains Traction with a Global Healthcare Company
We believe that medical data donation is the key to unlocking a new era of ethical medical research; research which has the potential to cure many diseases and save the lives of millions. For this medical data donation system to work however, all stakeholders including patients, healthcare providers, and researchers need to be on board.
Project Update #12 — April 2023
Project Update #12 — April 2023 Dear Community and Investors, This 12th update marks one year of sharing Data Lake’s latest developments and progress with you in our newsletters. We’ve come a long way since the first update, and we’re in an incredibly exciting period of growth that is cementing us as a global leader in ethical access to medical data. All of this would not be possible without our investors and community, and we would like to thank you for the vital role you are playing. So, without further ado, let’s get into what we accomplished in April and what we are preparing for the future!
Project Update #11 – March
Dear Community and Investors, Welcome to our March project update! From IT to BizDev and Marketing, our team has worked tirelessly to make this month one of our best yet! All of the accomplishments that you need to know to stay up to speed with our work are in this update — let’s get started!
How Data and AI can Accelerate the Personalized Medicine Revolution
Continuous advancements in technology as well as the increasing availability of medical data are paving the way for a new era of healthcare, enabling new ways of treating patients that were unthinkable only a couple of decades ago.
The Data Lake Benefits Panel is Live!
We are thrilled to announce that the Data Lake Benefits Panel has been deployed for the very first time! Fundacja Podaruj Dane (Polish Donate Your Data Foundation) has launched a benefits program for their “Data Heroes” and other registered users, who now have the option of participating in the benefits ecosystem.