Data Lake

Medical Data Donation EU Funding – Data Lake

Data Lake - Funded by the EU

Medical Data Donation EU Funding - Data Lake

Medical Data EU Funding: Data Lake Sp. z o.o. implements the project co-financed by the European Funds "DATA LAKE system - a solution enabling safe and transparent transfer of medical data for purposes other than providing healthcare services, i.e. for research and development purposes".

The aim of the project is to create the DATA LAKE system (development of a product innovation) enabling technologically and legally to carry out the process of medical data donation (granting a declaration of intent by a patient concerning the use of his/her medical data outside the diagnostic and therapeutic process).

Expected results: implementation of a product innovation based on distributed DLT registry technology (blockchain technology) through recording, storing and managing patients’ electronic statements of intent and recording and storing a register of operations on medical data, which ensures full transparency of the entire process.

The system created by the Data Lake company will enable:
1. patients (medical data donors) – to give informed consent for “medical data donation” and to manage the parameters of this consent;

2. medical entities/providers (medical data providers) – an opportunity to reap financial and other (e.g. scientific) benefits for participating in the system, where the role of medical data providers is to collect patients’ statements of intent for the process of “medical data donation” and to enable technological linking of medical data between other providers (integration);

3. pharmaceutical companies, technology companies, research companies, etc. 3. Pharmaceutical companies, technology companies, research companies, etc. (medical data recipients) – acquiring the right to access medical data from a reliable source, with certainty as to the compliance nature of their acquisition, in the volume and profile that interests the recipient, etc.

Project implementation period: 01.03.2021-28.02.2022
EU funding for the project: PLN 986,850.00
Total project value: PLN 1,223,790.00

More information about EU funding can be found on the European Commission ERDF website.

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