Data Lake

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Data Lake Token ($LAKE)

Data Lake Application & Chain


Marketing Bounty is Now LIVE: Transform Your Social Media Activity into Rewards!

We are thrilled to announce the Marketing Bounty is now LIVE! This innovative initiative is designed to revolutionize how users publish decentralized science (DeSci) related content on social media. Starting today, July 29, 2024, participants can submit posts from Twitter … Read More

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Content Creators, assemble: Marketing Bounty is coming Monday, July 29!

Data Lake is delighted to announce the launch of Marketing Bounty, an initiative set to transform the way users publish DeSci related social media content. Starting from July 29, 2024, users will be able to submit posts from Twitter (X), … Read More

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Arbitrum Foundation supports the Launch of the first DeSci Chain, Now Live on Testnet

Data Lake launches a Layer 3 blockchain powered by Arbitrum Orbit as an infrastructure for scientific research. The chain, initially released as a public testnet, already saw 3 million transactions, 60 smart contracts deployed and 36 ERC-20 tokens launched just … Read More

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About Data Lake

Data Lake is a decentralized recruitment platform that helps researchers find the right patients
We are the leading Decentralized Science (DeSci) project that, through its Application, is using blockchain for consent and data access management. We are also using our native token $LAKE for incentivizing healthcare providers and patients as well as to enable access to our unique consent collection technology. 
And yes, we have traction and are here to stay!
So far, we’ve worked with 2 out of 10 biggest pharmaceutical companies globally and delivered data for multiple AI development projects. 
We are founded by two medical doctors and entrepreneurs, both Forbes 30 under 30. Our team members are top experts in cybersec, and data privacy laws. We know our business.
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