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Project Update #13 May 2023 graphics Data Lake

Dear Community and Investors,

For a few months we’ve been hinting at some huge things we’ve been working on behind the scenes, and with agreements signed and sealed we are finally ready to share our biggest news…ever! We hope you’re buckled in and have your Telegram reaction gifs ready, because here comes the GIGA UPDATE.

GenomesDAO and Data Lake Partnership

First up in our mega news drop, we are THRILLED to announce that we are officially partnering up with GenomesDAO! We kicked off our partnership this week in Warsaw, where Genomes CEO Aldo de Pape joined us in person to sign the Data Donation Manifesto, as well as to speak at the AI & Medtech CEE conference organised by Data Lake’s board chair, Ligia Kornowska.

The synergy between our two protocols is clear: we both share the mission of giving people agency over their most sensitive data sets, with privacy and consent as core pillars of our ecosystems. We both are committed to the goal of helping create a new era for medical and scientific research, and helping boost the discovery of new treatments and drugs that have the potential to save the lives of millions. Finally both of our organisations believe that the ethical processing and storage of data is of paramount importance.

Signing the Data Donation Manifesto is only the first step in what we believe will be a fruitful and long-term partnership with and GenomesDAO, and will help cement both of our organisations as global leaders in enabling privacy-respecting access to medical and genomic data sets. Look out for our announcements, joint marketing campaigns, and co-events coming throughout June!

Watch the announcement video:

Global Healthcare Company Novartis to Use Data Donation Model for their Research

As you may have seen on our Twitter and Telegram, the second piece of huge news of this month comes from our Ethical Coalition partner and the first organisation to implement Data Lake tech; the Donate Your Data Foundation. This month they announced via press release that they have signed a deal with global healthcare and pharmaceutical company Novartis, for the use of ethical, consent-based data for research and development purposes. Using Data Lake’s consent technology, the partnership between Novartis and the Donate Your Data Foundation proves that global players in medical research and development are joining the growing movement of patient-centric medical research, one in which patients are equal stakeholders, and are being empowered to make decisions regarding their most sensitive data sets. We’re incredibly proud that our technology is helping make this partnership possible, and we’re convinced that it’s an unmistakable sign of greater adoption coming very soon.

You can learn more about this exciting partnership in an article published by the European Connected Healthcare Alliance!

Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower Brittany Kaiser Speaks at our AI & MedTech Conference

We were delighted to host Brittany Kaiser in Warsaw as a guest of Data Lake this week! If that names sounds familiar, it’s probably because you’ve seen Brittany featured in The Great Hack documentary on Netflix as one of the whistleblowers of the Cambridge Analytica Facebook scandal.

She was invited by us to give a keynote speech on the importance of data privacy at the incredible AI & MedTech CEE conference, organised by our board chair Ligia Kornowska. When not on stage, we had plenty of time to catch up with her, and discussed some exciting mutual areas of interest and ideas that we hope to share with you in the near future!

New website design unveiled!

Data Lake has come a long way. In 2019, our co-founders Wojciech and Ligia envisioned the project and incorporated the startup. Today, after a successful $LAKE IDO and positive feedback from our stakeholders, we have decided to give a brand-new look to one of our core assets: our website.

The new website is the expression of the new value proposition of Data Lake. We are no longer just an idea nor a project in the making; but rather on the path towards becoming a leading figure in the world of ethical medical research and innovation. One who is helping push medical progress forward worldwide along with a consortium of research entities, patient and healthcare organizations, and – most importantly – a growing community of medical data donors who are equal stakeholders and have agency over their most sensitive data.

Media, Awards, Appearances

Hackernoon Startup of the Year Nomination
Data Lake has received a surprise nomination by Hackernoon as one of the top startups of the year in Poland! Launched in 2016, Hackernoon has grown to become one of the top outlets for tech news and media, with 8-10 million readers per month. Voting is open to the public, and we would greatly appreciate your votes! Simply head over to Hackernoon and click the “VOTE” button next to Data Lake – all it takes is a click!

Data Lake Listed as one of the Top Disruptors in Healthcare – AI & MedTech CEE

In other great news from the conference, Data Lake has once again made the AI in Health Coalition’s list of Top Disruptors in Healthcare! We’re thrilled to have been included in the list for the second year in a row, and would like to sincerely thank the organisers (also for putting together such an amazing conference)!

Data Lake at Blocksplit Conference
Our CTO, Oliver Slapal, was invited to give a speech at Blocksplit along with other DeSci representatives such as Joshua Davis from DeSci World and Ines Santos Silva from AthenaDAO. Oliver presented how protocols and organizations like Data Lake, GenomesDAO, and VitaDAO are improving data collection through web3 and blockchain. The feedback received was overwhelmingly positive, and it is a clear signal of how DeSci is growing increasingly united with #DeSciSummer just around the corner!

Data Lake at EIT Health
Our head of public and international relations Dinidh O’Brien was invited to give a keynote speech at the EIT Health Morning Health Talks this month! Funded by the European Union, EIT Health is the knowledge and innovation network of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, and helps highlight and connect the top healthcare innovators in Europe. This was his second time being invited as a keynote speaker, and further cements Data Lake as a European leader in opening ethical access to data for innovation and progress in medical science.

Ligia Kornowska Takes Data Donation Awareness Worldwide

Data Lake’s board chair Ligia Kornowska has had an incredibly busy month! She made appearances at multiple healthcare and tech conferences, as well as participating high-level talks across multiple continents! One highlight was seeing healthcare giant Roche tweeting a quote from her Impact CEE talk on their Polish Twitter account!

Final Thoughts

You may have noticed we play our cards closely to our chest when it comes to announcements at Data Lake, but as you can see from this update we’re constantly working on major partnerships and milestones behind the scenes. We can confidently say that the huge announcements we shared today aren’t the only things we’re working on, and June is going to be another incredible month for Data Lake! Once again we would like to thank all of your for your support and for joining us on this journey. Keep an eye on our announcement channels in the next few weeks, and make sure you have your reaction gifs ready…

The Data Lake Team


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